A rigorous comparative, visual and statistical representation of vast bodies of data, retrieved from signi-ficant archival documents and from personal assumptions, knowledge and memory. (Selection of three):

Papir, stålbord &  MDF plade. 130cmx50cm


Papir, 250cmx 42cm

Udvalg af kunstnerenes igangværende, private samling af, forløbigt 257, blanke sider fundet i bøger, hvoraf de 15 udstillede sider, stammer fra Det Fynske Kunstakademis bibliotek.

Kommode / Drawer

Pencil on paper, 60x80cm.

Interiør (the Others I)

HD video, 16:9, loop


The Others II

HD video, 16:9, loop


Oblique Strategies

Paper cuts, 100cm x 100cm.